Cheats · All the codes that work!!! All Weapons, Keys, Items Pause the game. · All Weapons, Items, Keys. Press pause, then hold L+R, then enter the following. IDDQD - God Mode. Level skip idclev then type the level number i.e idclev13, Doom 2 PC. Let entering the below cheats at any time during gameplay. Type idfa to Grants all weapons and ammo, type idclev31 to Unlocks a bonus level, type IDDT to Shows the entire map, type IDBEHOLD to Enables invisibility, type IDBEHOLDL to Spawns light amp goggles, type IDBEHOLDR TO Spawns a radiation suit, type IDMUSXX to Choose a BGM track (Note: the XX stands for a number), if you want to make . · To get to the second secret level from the first, go to the last room (with the 12 SS guards and the elevator) and immediately turn to your right, and open the wall back to a 83%(5). · Doom 2 Easter Egg. There's an Easter egg hidden near the very end of the game that's very easy to miss. In the last level, use the IDCLIP cheat and walk through the final boss to enter a hallway where you'll find the disembodied head of the game's .