Rome: Total War Cheats For PC date, Changes year press the (`) key, right above the tab, to bring down "RomeShell" the cheat menu. Here are some Rome Total War Cheats. season/date Also does any know how to do the create_unit cheat? beacuse i dont know how to. Create Unit - Unit ID. Press ~ to open cheat prompt, then enter the cheat. The cheat code is: create_unit (settlement/character name). Rome: Total War Cheats. Once you witness the cinematic spectacle of 10, individually animated troops, you'll understand that this is not your average RTS. · These Total War: ROME REMASTERED cheats are designed to enhance your experience with the game. 1. Total War: ROME REMASTERED Trainer You are downloading a PREVIEW of the fully-functional PREMIUM TRAINER that can be obtained with the appropriate premium level membership. RELATED: Total War: 10 Best Total Conversion & Overhaul Mods. The first cheat is the least egregious, although it still bestows a rather unsportsmanlike advantage. The fog of war can be eliminated, thus revealing the positions of every army and settlement on the map. The second cheat makes the player's diplomats world-class negotiators.