Last Shelter Activation Codes · A pile of diamonds – xXjZ1NwbqpvXwkH_xt · Some diamonds – XfNOuuknlGPootA_le · A pile of diamonds – PoRLxL2PtVQqAcw_el · Sea of. Last Shelter Survival is a strategy survival war game for mobile phones. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world that is attacked by a virus. A Last Shelter Survival Hack is any app, tool, software, method, modification or other means for players of the game to gain unfair advantages, cheat. · Last Shelter Survival Codes – Activation Code November ⇓. Ls Redeem this activation code and get Diamonds x2, Super Recruitment Ticket x2, Allow Barrel x20, Defensive Components x10, War Horn x50, 10k Food x50, 10k Fuel x50, Lumber x50, Iron x50, Cash x10, 5 min Speed Up x50, 1 hour Speed Up x5. xXjZ1NwbqpvXwkH_xt: Redeem this activation . · However, there is one way you can cheat the game, and that is through the Last Shelter Survival bot. The bot plays the game like a human but is considered cheating because it can play the game 24/7 on unlimited farming accounts to make you one of the best players in the game with ease. · The whole process of accessing the Last Shelter Survival Cheat is very simple. To begin with, just go to this page, Click on ‘Online Hack V1’ or ‘Online Hack V2’ or ‘Online Hack V3’. As you’ll be able to see, you will have to choose an operating system, Android or iOS, in order to ensure compatibility with your device.